Results and Testimonials

Mindfulness Intelligence® Programs & Inner Business Products and Services

Testimonials by MQLE Graduates

The participants of the Mindfulness Intelligence® Programs to date are about 50/50 women and men, spanning a variety of industries, mostly in the United States and Europe.


MQLE Transformational Results

You and your company can expect both immediate and long-lasting results from an MQ Leadership Excellence Program.

The program is designed with fine-tuned building blocks for everyone to become masterful at change, conflict and unexpected challenges.

Interpersonal and intra-personal results such as kindness, open-mindedness and collaboration translate quickly into great business gains - including improved sales performance, greater negotiation outcomes, better and more precise project management, and on-time deliveries.

When your leaders and teams finally work together for the good of the whole, the culture will improve, innovation levels will increase, and everyone gets to feel a sense of purpose and belonging - all invaluable gains to a company.

With the MQLE Program in your organization, you are also providing a great service to the mental and emotional wellbeing of your people. That will always pay off - most noticeably with less sick-leave, less turn-over and better workplace relationships.

Leaders Learn

  • How To Engage Teams
  • Attract and Retain Talent
  • Lead with Executive Presence

Teams Learn

  • Conflict Resolution
  • Collaboration
  • Drive Team Results

Individuals Learn

  • Mental/Emotional Wellbeing
  • Ego Regulation
  • Authentic Confidence

Reviews & Feedback

“When I was presented with the opportunity to take this Mindfulness Intelligence Leadership program, I have to admit I did an inner eye-roll. Mindfulness? Really? We have deadlines! But since the big boss encouraged it, I reluctantly agreed to go. Today, a good year later, I can’t imagine my teams without the growth and support we get from Linda. We all collaborate better, we are much better communicators, we are very supportive of one another, and of course we have never performed better together. Life-changing.”


“I would say this is the most effective leadership training I have ever received in my career (and there have been quite a few I have participated in). This course helped me to recognize my own power and purpose and how to get our of my own way. No one has the ability to hold me back except me. Others are welcome to have opinions about me whether good or bad but I don’t have to allow those opinions to dictate my response or my actions. That power is mine alone. My purpose is designed by God for me and with faith and trust in Him I will not fail. This program has truly been an answer to prayer.”


"This program made my group into a team."


“Best leadership program I have ever attended.”


“It’s hard to describe how deep - and deeply moving - this program is. Everyone in my group seems very happy about all their new clients, new positions, new salary levels etc. But what is most valuable is that we have all had the chance to heal, to forgive, and all these things we normally dismiss in business. Behind all the science (I love that you’re an enthusiastic science nerd Linda!), there is a spiritual nature to this program that I really appreciate. It has allowed me to sort out my own faith in relation to the work I’m doing. ”


“As an experienced meditator I was skeptical to sign up for a leadership program with “mindfulness” in it. It didn’t take long to realize that Linda really knows her stuff and could take the whole group on a significant place of transformation, even with varying experience. She is present and gracious when the group is struggling with intra-personal issues, and always finds kind solutions and helpful perspectives. I’m officially impressed. I wish more companies would follow suit. Awake and aware leaders is the way forward. ”


“I have attended numerous leadership programs in my career and I have to say nothing compares to Linda Bjork’s program. It has been the most valuable shift in me as a person and as a leader that I could ever have hoped for. It still feels unreal that nothing I worried about before gets to me. ”


“As with anything I’ve learned in leadership trainings in my business career, Linda takes everything to a whole new level. We have been trained in active listening and thought we were good at that. But we really haven’t been. I don’t understand how we have done without this kind of training before.”


“The only drawback about the MQ program, as I see it, is that once you start on this type of journey, you can’t stop. There’s no going back to a limited life. It’s a new type of life and I love it.”


“I feel like I can manifest anything in my life now! I’m the last person who would buy fluff, but Linda has a scientific approach to explain to us how to make things happen in our lives. I’m so grateful.”


Transforming Leadership 

Hear Fortune 100 CTO Stephanie Mitchko talk about her experience with Mindfulness Intelligence training that she has chosen to deploy in many (skeptical) teams. Only inner training can get us out of ego positions, shift mindsets, create winning teams, and finally start collaborate in a way that is necessary for innovation, talent retention and results. "Consciousness training is a hard sell for business - but once you start this kind of training and experience the results, there's no going back."


You don't rise to the occasion.
You sink to the level of your training.

- Saying in the U.S Navy Seals


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